screening | | presentatie | NIMk op Virada Cultural Sao Paulo | | Presentation: 2009 - 2012 | 
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| 16, 17 april, Sao Paolo — Op het Virada Cultural festival in Sao Paulo, Brazilië, draaien in het kader van het Holland Brazilië jaar 10 werken uit de NIMk collectie. Het Time_Frame Tracking Imaginary Reality programma / Building Holland Monumental is te zien op 16 en 17 april. | | TIME FRAME investigates the intersection of media, technology, art and society in the current contemporary art practices in Africa and Latin America. This project stands as a PLATFORM that stimulates and promotes sustainable media art training, discussion, production and the transit of new artwork in Europe, Africa and Latin America. | lees meer | | lees meer |
onderzoek | | workshop | - Reconnaissance Trips | | The Media City | 
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| TIME FRAME has traveled to Latin America and Africa in order to identify possibilities of collaboration with artists, curators and art institutions within the context of the project. | | March 22 - April 3 2010 — From March 22 - April 3, the Netherlands Media Art Institute and Time Frame will host "The Media City" workshop, dedicated to the exploration of narrative architecture and social interaction on public spaces. | lees meer | | lees meer |
seminarlezingworkshop | | project | Time Frame Durban /2010 | | Connecting La Havana | 
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| 5-19 juli, Durban Zuid-Afrika — Het Zuidafrikaanse collectief 'dala' heeft NIMk uitgenodigd in het kader van het Time_Frame project de impakt te onderzoeken van de Wereld kampioenschappen 2010 op Zuid-Afrikaanse steden vanuit menselijke invalshoek. De populaire media documenteert dit soort internationale grootschalige evenementen meestal vanuit een commercieel perspectief | | September 10 - 25 2010
: Connecting La Havana is a long-term project which aims to open a platform for media and video in La Habana, involving local art institutions, artists and independent collectives of producers. | lees meer | | lees meer |
project | | | Video Guerrilha Festival | | Time Frame Blog | 
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| Video guerrilha, is a unique international urban art festival; that plans to
travel the most important capitals of the world, promoting artistic, cultural and
professional exchange among visual and media artists from different regions
and countries... | | | lees meer | | lees meer |