Van 10-04-2003 t/m 13-04-2003

Guests: Günter Geiger, Andrey Savitsky, Iohannes Zmölnig, Thomas Musil, Derek Holzer and Johannes Taelman

Fee: 100,-
Scholarships available

This workshop will focus on Open Source software for the real-time manipulation of audio and video. The dual package of Pure Data and GEM, offer a complete set of tools for sound, multimedia and VJ purposes. Topics will include: real-time audio and video processing, creating a custom user-interface, using and creating external objects, an overview of other free and open source audio and video tools for Linux.

Discussion and presentation workshop
Sunday April 13 15.00 hours
Admission: free

A discussion on open source software versus commercial software, the artistic use of multimedia tools and the future of open source. After the discussion a short presentation of the workshop will take place.

Panel: Robert de Geus, Derek Holzer, Günter Geiger, Andrey Savitsky, Iohannes Zmölnig, Thomas Musil, Johannes Taelman.

Information and

Thanks to:
With thanks to the VSB Foundation and the Austrian Embassy