Fonds BKVB

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The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture, known in the Netherlands as Fonds BKVB, is the national body responsible for enabling visual artists, designers, architects and cultural mediators to develop their work in a variety of ways.

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To achieve this goal, the Fonds BKVB follows a three-track policy: subsidies, internationalisation and special projects.

The core activity of the Fonds BKVB is to provide subsidies to individual visual artists, designers, architects and cultural mediators. In addition to subsidies for beginning artists and financial assistance for applicants at the basic level to help them continue their work, the Fonds BKVB also provides grants for projects, research, new work, continuing education abroad, travel, publications, etc. The aim of the various grants is to stimulate contemporary visual art, design and/or architecture in the Netherlands.

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