presentation | | works | Museum night 2010 | | Space Invaders artists and works | 
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| During Museum Night 2010, November 6, the Netherlands Media Art Institute presents a night filled with games, workshops, performances, DJ's and VJ's. This night revolves around the 'Space Invaders: Art in the Computer Game Environment' exhibition. The Museum Night is an exciting finale of the Space Invaders exhibition, which opened august 27th. | | Information about all the works in the exhibition Space Invaders | read more | | read more |
exhibitiontext | | tour | Space Invaders Text | | Space Invaders tour collection | 
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| Background information about the exhibition Space Invaders. | | Tour through NIMk's collection related to the Space Invaders exhibition.
With works by Ulises Carrión, Arno Coenen, Giny Vos, Jan van Nuenen, MediaShed, Mobile Image, Jeffrey Shaw, Martijn Veldhoen and Robbie Cornelissen. | read more | | read more |
presentation | | | Space Invaders event | | | 
| | | 12 October, Start: 20.00 hrs, Entrance fee: 2,50, Language: English — In order to explore this fascinating merging of these separate worlds even more in depth, NIMk has invited both artists and theorists to reflect on this subject during the evening of the 12th of October. The speakers will be Margarete Jahrmann, Walter Langelaar and NIMk's current Artists in Residence Dave Griffiths, Aymeric Mansoux and Marloes de Valk.
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