
Installations 2001 - 2006 for distribution

Special Preview DVD with short descriptions and registrations of installations by Peter Bogers. All these installations are available for distribution.

With the works

The Unified Field
Exotic Exercise
Brain Field
The Secret Place of the Most High
Without the Word II
Shared Moments
Force II & III

Peter Bogers was born on 3 January 1956 in Dordrecht, The Netherlands. From 1977 to 1981 he studied at the sculpture department of St. Joost Academy, Breda. Starting his career as a performance artist, he later devoted himself to video art, video installations and sculptures. He has had solo exhibitions both in The Netherlands (at the Netherlands Media Art Institute and the Centraal Museum Utrecht, among other places) and internationally (including solo shows in Bremen, Marseille, Osnabrück, Pittsburgh and Stuttgart). In Bogers’ work sound and image are equivalent elements which always determine form and content in a dynamic interplay. Many of his installations seem to examine the breaking points between music-sound and sound-speech, often with the help of electronics and the human voice. When does sound become music, or vice versa? When do sounds turn into speech, into communication? When does speech falter into inarticulate sound? Bogers also displays an unremitting preoccupation with the human body, which he employs on various levels, not only as a visual element in his videos, but also as a spatial component or as conceptual material. In his works, the unity and identity of the body, as it can be perceived from the outside, has made place for fragmentation and alienation.

Article by Jennifer Steetskamp written on the occasion of two Peter Bogers retrospectives, presented at the Netherlands Media Art Institute, Amsterdam, in 2006 and at the Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, in 2006/2007.

To make a large audience acquainted with media art, The Netherlands Media Art Institute pursues an active distribution policy for videos and media installations. These are presented at national and international festivals, manifestations and exhibitions at various art institutions, and are shown for educational purposes. The videos and installations are documented in the on-line public catalogue http://catalogue.montevideo.nl/. In the mediatheque all the works from the collection can be viewed on viewing sets.

Works are available for rental on Beta SP (pal) or DVD. For Umatic and (s)VHS and all NTSC formats we charge additional production costs, determined by the length of the work. Rentals must have a scheduled screening date. For screenings outside the Netherlands, orders have to be placed at least 3 weeks before the screening date.

Please read the rental conditions carefully (Collection/distribution) to review procedures for tape formats, payment instructions, shipping, tape returns, terms, and image requests. For extended exhibition and extensive program inquiries or purchase of tapes please contact the distribution staff Joke Ballintijn joke@nimk.nl or Theus Zwakhals theus@nimk.nl.

With respect to the exhibition of installations the prices differ per work. For information about screening fees, technical equipment, spatial conditions, construction and transport of installations, please contact the distribution staff.