NIMk's Blogpages
Blog The Greater Cloud
In the Greater Clloud exhibition every visitor could become a co-curator. One of the exhibition spaces could be filled up by the visitor by adding artworks found online. A computer with a blog devoted to this exhibition was connected to a beamer so that everyone could browse through and upload things to it.
BLOG:  | | | FINAL WEEK open until February 5. The Greater Cloud is a show in which the Internet as a platform, medium or subject matter functions as a source of inspiration for artists and influences their artistic practice. The Internet has become banal and ubiquitous. Starting point for this exhibition is what this means for a younger generation of artists and curators. read more » |
Artist in Residence 2012
MOBILE MEDIA ART Residency with VJ Pixel and Sander Veenhof
 | | | Vivo ARTE.MOV and NIMk are pleased to announce the results of the call for the two months artistic residency programme using a mobile platform. The selected projects for the residence in 2012 were: "Project Jandig" by Angelo Moscozo (aka VJ Pixel) and "The City Talks" by Sander Veenhof. The initiative is pioneering in using specially designed street vehicles equipped with features of digital media developed in the cities of Amsterdam and São Paulo. read more » |
NIMk BLOG Follow the construction of Planet M
Artist in Residence 2011
Duncan Speakman & Emilie Grenier
Artist in Residence - May 2011
 | | | In collaboration with NIMk, Kitchen Budapest and 5daysoff festival, the Pervasive Media Studio presents cross-European residency programme. Duncan Speakman and Emilie Grenier spend supported time at each lab, to develop a new sonic artwork that will use mobile technologies to connect strangers in a fascinating experience. read more » |
Time Frame project
 | | | TIME FRAME 2009 - 2012, an initiative by the Netherlands Media Art Institute and Miguel Petchkovsky read more » |
Artist in Residence 2010
Sonia Cilliari, Sensitive to Pleasure
Artist in residence January - April 2010
Performative electric-field sensing and sound environment
 | | | Sensitive to Pleasure is a work about conflict, an intimate piece in which the artist emphasizes her controversial relationship with her own work in front of the public. read more » |
Artist in Residence 2008
Yolande Harris Sun Run Sun
Artist in residence November 2007 - April 2008 Sun Run Sun: on Sonic Navigations
In collaboration with STEIM in Amsterdam.
 | | | 'Sun Run Sun' charted a path between environmental awareness and technological development, using sound as the medium to enhance both. read more » |