From 08-04-2000 until 03-05-2000
Pepe Jürgens / Shuichi Fukazawa, Chiho Hoshino, Armin Purkrabek / Timo Piatkowski / Domink Rinnhofer, Anne Niemetz, Claudia Westermann, Steffen Wolf, Andreas Siefert, Dorcas Müller, Michael Schmitt, Simone van gen Hassend, Angelika Lepper en Heike Böhnke
Anne Niemetz / Noise Ratio
sHe'll survive shows the work of fourteen young German media artists who come from the Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung in Karlsruhe. The participating artists were selected by Uwe Laysiepen (Professor of Media Art) and Michael Saup (Professor of Digital Technology). Various aspects of new media are emphasized, critiqued or, on the contrary, complemented by the students.
Simone van gen Hassend / Schlampis in Amsterdam 2000
Three installations will make use of an on-line connection with the Internet:
Chico Hoshino's
Demontage Dataspace and
Timo Piatkowski/Armin Purkrabek and
Dominik Rinnhofer's
Simone van gen Hassend shows her life-size
Schlampis in Amsterdam. Two webcams are placed at different places in Amsterdam and come together in a desc-installation at Montevideo/TBA. In her installation
Noise Ratio Anne Niemetz sculpturally and tonally reproduces the volume and movement of the viewer.
Drop Shadow by
Andreas Siefert disconnects the shadows from visitors as they come in.
Pepe Jürgens/Shuichi Fukazawa surprise visitors to the exhibition with
InSideOut by projecting them integrally in various ways by the entrance. In her work
Dorcas Müller demonstrates, in a somewhat romantic manner, her function as donor for her blood hedgehog nursery. In doing so she also busies herself with the scientific side of these organisms. During the opening
Ssp. Bonkey (Heike Böhnke) will present a performance in which she stigmatizes the female body and renders it reflectively. Steffen Wolf shows a series of photographic images and videos that are especially performative and probing. Light changes discreetly in Michael Schmitt's minimalist light sculpture.
Claudia Westermann, a student of architecture, installs an extremely reduced work based on her study of
Gothic porticos.
> 50 % beeld, April 11 Lecture in word and image with Michael Saup and Ulay in relation to the exhibition sHe'll survive. Doors open 20.00 hour. Entrance Dfl. 7,50 (students Dfl 5,-). Reservations T 31 (0)20 6237101.
Party in Winston Kingdom7 April at 10:00 p.m. there is a party with DJ/VJ Acid Maria (Angelika Lepper) in Winston Kingdom, Warmoestraat 129, Amsterdam.
Artists' Rooms in the Hotel Winston
Anne Niemetz and Andreas Siefert set up two artists' rooms. See also
Extra exhibitionSimone van gen Hassend, Schlampis in Amsterdam, from April 8 through May 6 in City Thoughts, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 131. City Thoughts is open Tuesday through Saturday, 1:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Participating artists:Shuichi Fukazawa / Pepe Jürgens
InSideOut (installation), 2000
Chiho Hoshino
Demontage Dataspace - Icons in Cyberspace (installation), 2000
City of Dead Poets (CD ROM), 1999
based on poems by Yang Lian
Armin Purkrabek / Timo Piatkowski / Dominik Rinnhofer
F1 (installation), 1999/2000
Anne Niemetz
Noise Ratio (installation), 1999
Travellers Room (room Hotel Winston), 2000
Andreas Siefert
drop shadow (installation)
Gin Tonic (room Hotel Winston), 2000
Claudia Westermann
format (video installation), 2000
Steffen Wolf
Untitled (photo series), 1996-2000
Autofus (video installation), 1998-2000
Dorcas Müller
Egel, Glas (video),1999
Egel, Zug (video), 1999
Egel, Rot (photo's), 1999
Simone van gen Hassend
Schlampis in Amsterdam (installation webcam), 2000
Schlampis in Amsterdam (installation City Thoughts), 2000
ssp. Bonkey
Blue Line (performance at opening, April 7), 2000
Passifauna (video), 1998
Lace Lacerate (photos), 1999/2000
Blue Line (photo and object), 2000
Michael Schmitt
No title (light installation), 2000
Angelika Lepper - Acid Maria
Karsruhe no way back
DJ/VJ Winston Kindom, Friday April 7, at 10:00 p.m.