workshop | | workshop | Pixxxel MilkyMist | | PiXXXeL on Bitcoin digital CASH | 
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| 12 May 15:00 - 22:00 — This time at PiXXXeL we"ll host a visit of LeKernel in person, the infatiguable Milkymist developer best known for running day long workshops of FPGA programming all over the World, mesmerizing audiences of geeks with the psychedelic outputs of his small devices. | | Monday April 4 3:00 - 6:00 pm — At PiXXXeL we focus on free and open source software practices. April 4 we'll focus on... MONEY :) an old media that needs a bit of an update - so free software developers are busy on it and there is some interesting running code to look at. Bitcoin is a digital currency created in 2009, whose use online has grown during 2010 and is booming just as we are talking. | read more | | read more |
| | | Pixxxel Workshop | | | 
| | | The Pixxel workshop focuses on recent developments in the field of free and open source software for media production. | | | read more | | |