Eavan Aiken at Video Guerrilha…

Brazil elena @ 12:25 am

Photo by Elena Pérez

I was very impressed by the work of the team that put it all together under Alexis calm but watchful eye. Walking down this street during 3 days of projections was unbelievable, everyone’s face’s were turned upwards instead of glaring or oogling. I sat at a small bar on the street and got talking to some local’s who told me that they’d seen projections on building before but that this time they could see the difference in quality never mind the sheer scale of the project. It took over 4 or 5 blocks and each building had a new form, from architectural mapping with motion graphics, video art, performance, still images and live drawing.

I projected images that for me represent human movement, using long exposure on a camera or video camera and recording the movement. I also spent some time using Alchemy to draw abstract shapes and audio reactive forms on a building. This was my favorite part especially after being there and soaking up the rhythm of the city and being so close to the street on the balcony of the hotel. A beautiful moment came when I offered the pen to those around me and let them doodle, one guy scratched his number up and wrote “call me.” Shortly he received a call to comic effect. I loved how this highlighted our human need to communicate and in the simple and often executed fashion more usually found in a public toilet. :-)

What I noticed after the event was the change in atmosphere of the Rua Augusta – it was business as usual I presume, and we saw bouncers or pimps beating a guy up and kids trying to steal from and damage the hotel we were staying in.  This really brought home to me how the event changed the mind set of the locals, even if only for 3 days, their sights were literally lifted upwards rather than looking for trouble.  I truly understood the mission of Video Guerrilha after witness those events.

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