Reinstallation Alberts Ark (1990) by Bill Spinhoven

From 08-03-2007 until 09-03-2007

On March 8 and 9, together with the Netherlands Media Art Institute, the Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage (ICN) will be doing a test set-up of the installation Alberts Ark (1990) by Bill Spinhoven. In 1990 the work Alberts Ark was included in the traveling exhibition IMAGO, and is part of the ICN collection.

Alberts Ark
is one of the thirty complex and/or multimedia installations that are to be erected again as part of the ''Inside Installations'' research project, and is the second case study that the ICN is carrying out together with the Netherlands Media Art Institute.

During the test set-up, being done in cooperation with the artist, the work will be comprehensively documented so that instructions for reinstallation and plans for developing an approach to its long-term conservation can be drawn up.

Friday afternoon, March 9, at 4:00 p.m., Bill Spinhoven will give an introduction to the first results and Paul Klomp will make a presentation about the emulation of the first case study, 'Revolution' (1990) by Jeffrey Shaw.

The documentation of the case studies and drawing up guidelines for installation are elements of the EU project “Inside Installations: Preservation and Presentation of Installation Art”. This Culture 2000 project intends to develop documentation guidelines for installation art on the basis of case studies that will be shown to the public either physically (in exhibitions) or virtually (via the websites of INCCA and TATE, and Inside Installations). Moreover, the work is part of an investigation into conservation of installation art (in this case, a combination of physical objects, hardware, software and interactivity).

Inside Installations
Presentation Friday March 9
Start 16.00 h
Entrance free