How YOU fell in love with media art


Dear Media Art Lover,

With 'How I fell in love with media art', you can show us and others that have their heads in the clouds, what made you fall in love and why your heart beats faster when thinking of media art. You're free in the way you express yourself so that you can be really creative with your ode, serenade, poetry, love art or whatever form of expression you have in mind. Ideally, we would prefer your creative expression as a video (2 minutes max). You can send us your video or upload it at Youtube and forward the link to us instead.

Prepare yourself because there is a celebration coming up. From Friday the 8th of May till Sunday the 10th of May, The Netherlands Media Art Institute (NIMk) will be celebrating it's 30th birthday. We won't let our birthday pass by unnoticed. That's why we invite you to come over to the NIMk and celebrate with us!

We would like to receive a birthday present too but we do not fancy cards or flowers. No, our perfect gift is YOU showing why you love media art so much. With 'How I fell in love with media art', you can show us and others that have their heads in the clouds, what made you fall in love and why your heart beats faster when thinking of media art. You're free in the way you express yourself so that you can be really creative with your ode, serenade, poetry, love art or whatever form of expression you have in mind. Ideally, we would prefer your creative expression as a video (2 minutes max). You can send us your video or upload it at Youtube and forward the link to us instead. It is also possible to express your love in a short text and sms it to 31 619159762. You could even mail us a picture as well. Mail your picture or Youtube link to

The received expressions of love will be showcased in the birthday program. The most wondrous, funniest and prettiest contributions will receive special treatment at the celebrations. You will be able to see your own and other contributions at our Facebook account. Not only will our Facebook profile and Youtube channel be an inspiring place for your contributions, we will also keep you posted about 'How I fell in love with media art' and the upcoming birthday event.

We look forward to seeing a whole lot of love. Every contribution is greatly appreciated! We also hope to see you on the 8th, 9th and 10th of May during our birthday celebrations.