Nomadic Milk in Mapping Mobilities
Mapping Mobilities | 6 June - 7 July, 2012
Opening: 5 June, 19.00
Project curator: Christine Takengny
Participating artists:
Michael Hieslmair / Michael Zinganel
Gulnara Kasmalieva / Muratbek Djumaliev
Esther Polak / Ivar van Bekkum
‘Cartography is the signifying practice of both location and identity, a mode of writing through which we can uncover a set of general laws. Much of the argument I am making regarding the un-mapping, re-mapping and counter-cartographies to be found within contemporary art practices revolves around the structures and signifying systems by which knowledge is organised and conveyed.’
The exhibition Mapping Mobilities presents six international artists who develop new and experimental approaches to mapping to explore questions around mobility, displacement and migration.
Using film, installation, print and audio Gulnara Kasmalieva/Muratbek Djumaliev, Esther Polak/Ivar van Bekkum and Michael Hieslmair/Michael Zinganel blur the boundaries between art and scientific mapping to challenge the authority of official maps and their role in the nexus of power knowledge. Their mappings develop alternative visions on currently pressing socio-economic and geo-political global issues such as transnational migration, spatial implications of global commerce, border policies and the digitalisation of geographical information, thereby discrediting the grand narratives of history in favor of a focus on everyday lives, individual journeys and personal narratives.
Meer info:
Open Systems
Zentrum für Kunstprojekte
Lassingleithnerplatz 2
A- 1020 Vienna