NIMk @ Foam Pop-in #1: Heliocentric by Semiconductor

May 12 - November 6, 2011

NIMk @ Foam Pop-in at Museumplein Amsterdam

On Thursday 12 May Foam Pop-in opens at the Gabriël Metsustraat, off the Museumplein in Amsterdam. In the former Fortisbank Foam hosts a temporary space where new work by photographers from the in-house gallery Foam Editions as well as work by emerging talents will be on show. The Netherlands Media Art Institute (NIMk) presents, in a special videoroom in the Pop-in, a monthly presentation of a current work from the NIMk collection.

PART 1: Heliocentric by Semiconductor

We kick of with Heliocentric from the British duo Semiconductor. Semiconductor is interested in invisible scientific phenomena – and in Heliocentric they mangaged with use of time-lapse photography and astronomical tracking Semiconductor to plot the sun’s trajectory across a series of landscapes: the roofs of a cityscape, a garden or forest, a greenhouse. The entire environment feels to pan past the camera whilst the sun stays in the centre of each frame, enabling us to gauge the earth’s rotation and orbit around the sun. Togeher with the intense soundtrack of BJ Nilsen a breathtaking experience

NIMk @ Foam Pop-in, May 12 mei - November 6, 2011.

Gabriel Metsustraat 2-6.

Open Thursday 11 am – 9 pm, Friday – Sunday 11 am – 7 pm.

Free entrance.