Computer- and internet-based art in distribution 2010

Since 2010, the Netherlands Media Art Institute extends its collection with a selection of computer- and internet-based works.

Sonia Cillari Sensitive to Pleasure (NL, 2010, interactive performance)

Sonia CillariAs an Artist, I Need to Rest (NL, 2009, interactive performance)

Digital Methods Initiative/Govcom.orgFor the ppl of Iran: #iranelection RT (NL, 2009, installation)

Digital Methods Initiative/Govcom.orgThe Nationalities of Issues: Rights Types (NL, 2009, digital print)

Govcom.orgThe Web Starts Here: The IP Browser (NL, 2008–2009, internet project)

De GeuzenGlobal Anxiety Monitor (NL, 2007–2010, multi-channel internet installation)

JODISK8MONKEYS ON TWITTER (NL, 2009, interactive installatie)

JODIaudioswap5 (NL, 2009, interactive internet and audio installation)

JODIGEO GOO (NL, 2008, multi-channel internet installation)

Esther PolakNomadicMILK (NL, 2007–2010, installation)

Esther PolakAmsterdam RealTime (NL, 2001, installation)

To make a large audience acquainted with media art, The Netherlands Media Art Institute pursues an active distribution policy for videos and media installations. These are presented at national and international festivals, manifestations and exhibitions at various art institutions, and are shown for educational purposes. The videos and installations are documented in the on-line public catalogue In the mediatheque all the works from the collection can be viewed on viewing sets.

A special catalogue of our computer- and internet-based works is available upon request.

With respect to the exhibition of installations the prices differ per work. For information about screening fees, technical equipment, spatial conditions, construction and transport of installations, please contact the distribution staff.
Please read the rental conditions carefully to review procedures for payment instructions, shipping,  returns, terms, and image requests. For extended exhibition and extensive program inquiries or purchases please contact the distribution staff Joke Ballintijn or Theus Zwakhals