Rene Coelho Award 2010

September 15

The Netherlands Media Art Institute has invited Dutch art academies to nominate a student graduating in the field of audiovisual and new media art for the René Coelho Award 2010. Besides this, a Netherlands Media Art Institute committee has compiled a short list with several candidates from various graduate art school exhibitions. The winner of the award, which is named after the founder and former director of the Institute René Coelho, will receive 1000 Euros. All the nominated students will be allowed to take part in 3 day masterclass in September.
September 20, the winner will be chosen by an external jury, consisting of three experts and the chairman Heiner Holtappels, NIMk's director.

Joris Strijbos, Royal Academy of Art, The Hague
Dewi de Vree ism Rachida Ziani (Elektrolab), Royal Academy of Art, The Hague
Peter van der Es, ArtEZ, Institute of the Arts, Arnhem
Ginta Tinte Vasermane, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam
Kaweh Modiri, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam
Sophie Valero, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam
Merlijn van Eijk, AKV St Joost, Breda
Theodora Kotsi, AKV St Joost, Den Bosch
Yoeri Guepin, Utrecht School of the Arts

Audience award
For the first year, in addition to the jury award, NIMk will award an honorable audience award! Please vote via the online form!  VOTE HERE
Voting period until September 14