Depreciated Tour
A guided tour through the Netherlands Media Art Institute’s collection, inspired by the work of Cory Arcangel. Selection of works by Petra Heck and Sandra Fauconnier, NIMk.
Created on the occasion of Cory Arcangel's solo exhibition Depreciated at NIMk, 29 August till 14 November 2009.
Vasulkas, The - Homemade TV (1974, 15'22'')
Homemade TV (Vasulkas, The) online database
Boezem, Marinus - Het beademen van de beeldbuis (1971, 2'37'')
Het beademen van de beeldbuis (Boezem, Marinus) online database
Global Groove (Paik, Nam June) online database
Credits (Muntadas, Antonio) online database
Test Tube (General Idea) online database
Heads and Globes, Similarity Matrix (oude scan) (d, eddie) online database