Workshop Live Art
Van 26-08-2002 t/m 31-08-2002
Netherlands Media Art Institute, Montevideo/Time Based Arts in collaboration with Amsterdam- Maastricht Summer University
Blast Theory is a group of four artists based in London who make live events for theatres, clubs, galleries and the street. The groups work confronts a media saturated world in which popular culture rules. It uses video and computers to ask questions about the ideologies present in the information that envelops us. Founded on a belief in collective work and an openness about creativity Blast Theory collaborates with a wide range of creative people: from DJs to dancers, from CDROM designers to pop promo directors.
Met dank aan:
British Council, Amsterdam
Blast Theory
Interview Blast Theory Blast theory - een introductiedoor Annet Dekker read more » |
>50 beeld>>>>27-8-2002 Tijdens Live Art Practices wordt gekeken naar het gebruik van mobiele apparaten en draadloze netwerken als culturele ruimtes... read more » |