Visionaries - Audiovisual Works in Latin America

April 6, 7, 8

The Netherlands Media Art Institute in collaboration with Itaú Cultural (BRr), presents at NIMk the video collection ‘Visionaries - Audiovisual Works in Latin America’ on April 6, 7, 8. This screening is a side event of the workshop ‘the Media City’, and gives the public the opportunity to access a large selection of experimental video and film made in Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America. Socio-political issues inherent in Latin American countries and experiments with digital images are some of the features seen in the works, many of which are shown to the Dutch audience for the first time.

The 73 works in the exhibition are selected by Arlindo Machadom, who compiled a historical anthology with the works of pioneer videomakers, and Elías Levin Rojo, Jorge La Ferla, Marta Lucía Vélez and Roberto Moreira S. Cruz - who were in charge of mapping contemporary films and videos from specific countries. According to Arlindo Machado, Visionários is "one of the few attempts to seek, map, and systematize information on such invisible but mighty production."

Other contributors to the project were Adriana Barrios, Gloria María Arteaga, Luisa María Marisy Martínez, María Belén Moncayo and Mariela Cantú. About the curators

Tuesday April 6, 2010. From 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
- Paradigms of the Experimental Production.
Historical anthology selected by Arlindo Machado
- Tales at the Border program. Selection by Jorge La Ferla
Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay
- Altered States program. Selection by Marta Lucía Vélez
Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela

Wednesday April 7, 2010. From 1 p.m. To 5:30 p.m.
- No Zapping program. Selection by Elias Levin Rojo
Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean
- Paradigms of Latinity
Historical anthology selected by Arlindo Machado
- Audiovisual Tropics program. Selection by Roberto Moreira S. Cruz

Thursday April 8, 2010. From 1 p.m. To 5:30 p.m.
- Machines and Imageries program. Selection by Jorge La Ferla
Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay
- Of Public Domain program. Selection by Marta Lucía Vélez
Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela
- Other Convergences program. Selection by Elias Levin Rojo
Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean

You can also visit the collection at NIMk’s mediatheque, where you will have access to each of the programs independently from the stationary computers. Please, request your selection at mediatheque’s desk.
Mediatheque opening hours: Monday April 6 to Friday April 9, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday 27 March, Official opening
20:00 pm Introduction by Gloria Arteaga
20:30 – 22:00 pm Screening

Free entrance to the full program.

This exhibit couldn’t be possible without the cooperation of Roberto Moreira S. Cruz, manager of the Audiovisual Department at Itaú Cultural and curator of Visionarios.

More about Visionarios