Below Sea level
Contemporary Media Art from the Netherlands
Cairo, Egypte.
From April 3 - 6, the Netherlands Media Art Institute (NMAI) is invited at the Contemporary Image Collective in Cairo, Egypt. The CiC is the first independent artist-run initiative in Egypt, where photographers and video artist are dedicated to the enrichment, analysis, production and dissemination of the visual image borne out of this region.
In this first collaboration, generously supported by the Royal Dutch Embassy in Cairo, the NMAI presents an event that covers the wide range of activities of our institutes, with the purpose to exchange experiences with the audience and participants.
The program consists of a 4 days workshop 'Freedom of Creation' about open source free software en video making', given by Jaromil. Different lectures and screening programs on contemporary media art from the Netherlands by Joke Ballintijn and Annet Dekker. And a presentation by artist Jeroen Kooijmans. Also there is a video library with an overview of works from the collection of the NMAI for the early seventies until now and lots of space for discussion and exchange with (semi-) professionals from the local community.
more information:
website Contemporary Image collectieve (CiC), Cairo: