Wed 2nd March
We spend a morning arguing about the content/process of the workshops, and take some input from Goat Island’s use of creative response, but as always our debate leads us to the core of the idea and we get the outline finished. bijoux pas cher coque huawei coque huawei That evening 5daysoff festival opens with Ben Newland’s ‘Nomadic Sound System’, a glitzy marching band where the instruments have been replaced by horn speakers and distributed music playback. After a few radio transmission issues it hit it’s stride as we approached Melkweg and we danced along behind it as James Blake’s album echoes across the canals. iphone 11 case collier argent (which is good because it has also been our soundtrack for dancing in the workspace)
There’s some info about Ben’s project here . coque huawei Seeing the band start to spread out as they marched, we got quite inspired by the idea of being able to throw sounds out across the urban environment, but rather than just out to speakers, maybe straight into people’s ears. coque iphone bijoux personnalise Partially a development from my previous piece ‘sounds from above the ground‘ and Emilie’s Derives’s , we started drafting possible ideas for how sound might spread. coque iphone peluche licorne And what form the listening device might take, it’s easy for us to throw sound out to an audience (using radio receivers, possibly embedded in wearables) but it’s harder to get contributions back from them.
We considered headphones and a custom device for listening and then using their own phone to contribute content, but the act of speaking into a phone that you’re not listening to may crate a bump in an experience that we don’t want.
here’s some sketches of distributed sound methods -
Bastard child : this is the offspring of ‘sounds/derive’, but with a phone call added for audiences to add spoken content into the system
Pond ripple: where one central sound input distributes out to all listeners. coque huawei coque iphone coque iphone This sound input could be roving, but how would participants use it? Could it be a visible icon that they can track with their eyes?
Pass the parcel: what if the sound input is being passed from participant to participant? but what would the rules for passing be, is it like the conch in ‘lord of the flies’?
I keep wanting to write ‘audience’ in these descriptions, but end up falling for ‘participant’, not sure why, it is something to unpack later . peluche licorne coque iphone . iphone case iphone 11 case .