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California Town Wrestles With Aftermath Of Shooting Rampage
On one level, it looks like all is mostly back to normal in the small, rural community of Rancho Tehama in Northern California. https://www.loiregrafix.fr/products/coque-samsung-pour-samsung-a3-pascher-jil313 Custodia Cover Iphone 11 https://www.alpesprobois.fr/products/coque-silicone-samsung-galaxy-j5-2016-3d-709pascher6800 But just below the surface it’s clear bracelet argent chanel people here are still bracelet argent avec cercle grappling with the aftermath of a local man’s murderous rampage fourchette bracelet argent nearly three months ago that killed five and wounded 12 others.Parents and school officials are thankful, yet still deeply shaken; some of the wounded feel forgotten and misled; many residents feel montre femme avec bracelet argent the police dropped the ball and say officers should have kept a closer eye on bracelet argent dorĂ© a troubled man whose life was clearly spiraling out of control.The attack in Rancho Tehama, population just over 1,400, was among the more than 300 bracelet argent poule mass shootings in America last year in which four or more persons were wounded or killed. cover custodia case iphone 11 L6671 breath of the wild wallpaper 9fU3 coque huawei iphone 7 8 hoesje history, received lots of bracelet argent meilleure amie coverage by us and other media during and after the attack. coque samsung The smaller ones often received far less. cover custodia iphone https://www.aquawood.fr/products/coque-iphone-11-pro-max-alien-isolation-d7056 coque iphone We wanted collier fantaisie argent pas cher to see how people in this collier fantaisie etoile small collier fantaisie saumon community were coping now that all that coverage has faded.The students are the heroesA black and red RANCHO STRONG banner hangs bracelet argent feuille femme across the entrance to the collection of L shaped trailers that make up the small Rancho Tehama Elementary School.Inside, the walls of secretary Sarah Lobdell’s office are adorned with colorful “thank you” cards and well wishes from across the state and the nation.The cards are for her swift action last November.She’s used to the echo of gunfire in this rural community. cover custodia case iphone 11 T9435 botw wallpaper 8cI5 custodia cover samsung https://www.aquawood.fr/products/coque-custodia-cover-fundas-iphone-11-pro-max-5-6-7-8-plus-x-xs-xr-se2020-c11736-bmw-wheel-logo-iphone-11-pro-case iphone 11 case Target practice; hunters; the odd drunk shooting at the moon.But on Nov. https://www.loiregrafix.fr/products/coque-samsung-galaxy-core-2-pascher-jil4296 https://www.aquawood.fr/products/coque-iphone-8-puma-715pascher5101 iphone 6 6s hoesje 14 she knew bracelet argent diamant femme this gunfire was different.”There was no question bracelet argent louvre about it, it was too close bracelet argent et jade to us and it collier fantaisie guess was.,” she pauses her voice cracking bracelet argent 16 cm with emotion. https://www.loiregrafix.fr/products/coque-samsung-galaxy-j5-2016-galaxie-pascher-jil4307 “It was going to put everyone in a dangerous spot.”Lobdell immediately called for every child and teacher to go inside, fast, and get into lock down mode they’d practiced.”There was absolutely no question, no hesitation and I do believe that that also helped,” she says.”Helped” is an understatement.Lobdell’s fast action likely averted a massacre.The night of the shooting, Corning Union Elementary School District Superintendent Richard Fitzpatrick said those few seconds made all the the difference. 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