Week 2 Mon/Tues: Beginnings
After the heady days of 5daysoff and our varied workshops we got back to digging through some of the conceptual frameworks and opportunities our project offered. coque huawei bracelet bijoux coque samsung Here’s some of the questions that drifted around
-What’s the difference between privacy and intimacy?
-What does it mean to work with a phonecall?
- What are the assumptions we make when talking on the phone, the quality of voice lets us know it’s a phone, and background sound lets us know the location of the person on the other end. coque huawei coque iphone coque iphone
The other common assumption is that it’s one-to-one communication, coque samsung whereas the intention of our project is to connect numerous people, coque huawei how will this change the way you speak/listen.
- What happens when all messages are ‘recorded’ as opposed to live?- As we planned to base our phone system around queued audio (i.e. coque huawei coque samsung coque iphone not a live conference, but a system where your input is recorded and ‘then’ played out to everyone) we decided to start researching phone messages, how do we speak when we know the message will be heard later?
We also took this time to realise that there were two clear routes we wanted to explore (mobile phone based and/or custom electronics), and decided we didn’t have a clear answer so decided to develop in parallel and see which was the most useful output for this residency. iphone 11 case coque huawei Both systems bring their own qualities/potentials and therefore would create two very different works, coque huawei as opposed to the ‘best’ solution to this project.
We also spent this time with Dan trying to push Tropo into a shape we could use for testing, sadly no luck there as bugs still prevented us being able to have a conference call in whcih participants could mute/unmute themselves (we thought this would be a solution to the huge washes of ambient sound that fill the call if 10 people are connected in an outdoor space)
We also took some time to meet with Rachel Feuchtwang, collier argent who reminded us what a leap of faith it was for us to undertake this new collaboration which involved living/working together for almost 3 months.