Thurs 3rd March

Uncategorized duncan @ 4:10 pm


As we’ve decided that portable electronics and sound would probably be part of the project it was time to try and bring my gumstix back to to life (super-tiny-micro-computers that can run Puredata audio software).Thanks to the wonderful work by Tim Redfern on a previous project of mine it wasn’t as much of a headache as it could have been, it was actually quite fun to get back into full-on geek mode. coque huawei coque huawei Biggest problem faced was trying to access the gumstix across the network. coque huawei A bit of tweaking routers that we found lying around NiMK allowed access but we (sorry, ‘I’ )also managed to accidentally create an open wireless access point into the office network, NiMK weren’t too happy about that, whoops!.After getting them up and running (and playing a drifting ambient soundscape in the room that would alternately please and annoy Emilie) we got ready for our first public presentation in Amsterdam.

A small but attentive audience came to see presentations by Ben Newland (see previous post) and Roel Wouters/Jonathan Puckey of panel discussion afterwards was interesting. bracelet bijoux coque iphone coque huawei Flitser is also a project that crowd-sources its content. iphone case The conversation circled around the issue of wanting artistic authorship of a piece at the same time as wanting to open it up to a collaboration with an audience. Emilie commented on how during our tests in Bristol we’d told the first group that ‘there were no rules’ but when the second test group took part she kept thinking ‘you’re all doing it wrong’. coque huawei iphone case Somewhere in these projects there is a key that involves creating the right ‘frame’ for the audience to work within. coque iphone After our discussion with the DCRC in Bristol I’m still hooked on this idea that we are actually trying to create new contexts for situations that already exist in the world. iphone 11 case Roel talked about two of their projects, one which asked people to create single frames for a music video and another where they asked people to follow instructions to create a section in a short film. pokemon peluche He pointed out that they had much less contributions for the film. collier argent coque samsung His explanation was that it wasn’t really due to the amount of commitment people had to put it in, but more to do with understanding the outcome. coque samsung A music video is easy to understand, and you know what your contribution is about, but the film was less clear, it didn’t really have a plot or reasoning apart from ‘we want to make this film with ‘you’ the viewer’. iphone 11 case In the end it all seems to come back to the ‘invitation’ you extend to the audience/participants.

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