one of the lovely things at the PMstudio is the soft of input we get from the variety of deep thinkers floating around. iphone 11 case coque samsung
A morning session with Jon Dovey (of the DCRC ) helped us to clarify thoughts around the project. coque iphone coque huawei The one that ended up sticking in my head the most was the idea of ‘the default mode being silence’ – here are some other thoughts that came to the surface -
curating memory through themes
see what emerges
what is the affect?
moment vs space
connected forests
emotional (affective) narrative
set of emotional responses
seed questions and themes
something that lives in the data space, coque huawei coque huawei after the event
invitation filters
responses: memories, collier argent coque iphone quality depends on the tone of voice of the invitation
‘go to a place that is meaningful to you’ → Rider Spoke
the shifting identities of the performance/performers
open invitation(s)
emotional audio map of public space
whats if? → lack of interesting material from the public?
who is the writing voice?
the physical affect of hearing a voice through head phones
beautiful affordances
road to the gate that starts the journey
establish silence as the default mode
quaker meeting
what do we do with the content of silence
collective set of thoughts
invite people to focus on something
getting the dramaturgy right → the tone of the invitation
verbal responses to streams of thoughts
quality of the voice that invites you to play
curate examples that express the intention
you vs we vs them
collective identity
drifting through voices
woven identities
tide of voices
begin the piece with a sense of drift
voice is the present
present as memories
generate memories from the present, pokemon peluche iphone case the instant
sense of flow in the beginning
silence state that will be interrupted (but be returned to)
flow → drift → collective (we)
connected consciousness
layered voices that transforms into a singular,