Big Boss by Zen Marie (ZA)
HDV – H.264 transfer
Size 1.39GB
Duration: 3:24
Installation on LCD Screen or appropriate monitor, Audio on extra
large speakers with bass turned up.
“Big Boss” is a short film that arose from a two day process. The film
was made in coversation with Mark Chinsamy, the owner/driver of “Tha
Big Boss”, a high ace taxi dedicated to the memory of his late
brothers Nolan and Craig. The film was presented at a Lani art space
in glenwood. Crucial to this presentation there was a conversation
with Mark, the artist and the audience at the presentation. “Tha Big
Boss” was also at the presentation and visitors were able to interact
with the vehicle as it was parked in the entrance to the Lani
artspace. The starting point for the project was to engage with
issues of public transportation and the world cup. this primary
concern was extended to an experiment in enthnography/visual
anthropology and real-time documentary forms. While “Big Boss” the film is
complete, “Big Boss” the project will continue.